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another year ends
the old coat of paint
last of the pre-gold days
June-Sept 2002
April/May 2002
Feb/March 2002

West Bend


2002-05-07 - ramble on
2002-05-06 - All good things....
2002-05-02 - intense emotions abound
2002-04-29 - weekend update
2002-04-26 - hyper about my weekend
2002-04-24 - countdown
2002-04-22 - GONZO!!!
2002-04-19 - random thoughts
2002-04-18 - this is a test.....
2002-04-17 - chairs and plural nouns, mostly
2002-04-15 - spoiler alert: long and jittery
2002-04-12 - rollercoaster! ooh ooh ooh!
2002-04-11 - was there a point to this?
2002-04-10 - West Bend weekend...a long one
2002-04-05 - andy, kellie, cassius and the minion (not necessrily in that order)
2002-04-04 - school rant
2002-04-02 - J.E. and guppies and fortunes, oh my!

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