rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

this is a test.....

2002-04-18 - 1:44 p.m.

I just got here to update this and I think I will have to leave for a time in just a few seconds because I just remembered that there is supposed to be a severe weather drill thing at 1:45 today. Good thing I went to the severe weather inservice yesterday.

In the meantime...I have two major things to talk about today. (this is mainly to remind myslef). Okay...1: my newest tentative life plan, and 2: how Noah impressed me yet again last night.

So, the other day I was having my majorly jittery day and freaking out about the world and my place in it. I think it's a healthy thing to do now and then, though it sucks while it's happening. So I may have a plan. I could go to school with Noah and Jaime to get a license in secondary education. It's a fifteen month program...whoops, got to go, be back later. Yeah, so about an hour later, here I am. Tornado warnings are almost fun, but it's also a major pain in the butt. One of the residents swore at me, which is pretty funny. Even funnier was hearing one woman say "stupid bitch" to a nurse and hearing Jeff say, "Hey, now that's not nice." I almost laughed out loud. Anyway.... So yeah, during the fifteen months of part time night classes, I can work at Cityview and be all cool. Then I can try to get a job teaching, see how I like that, and in the meantime start working part time on my MAster's if I still want to. This plan does two amazing things: if you hold it one way, it allows me to both continue my schooling and do it right away, which I've been wanting. If you hold it the other way, it allows for real life, rather than that crazy crux-world where you're waiting to finish school or whatever before you let yourself relax and live. It will also give me an extra set of letters to add to my list, and another cool alma mater, and even more resume fodder. It's pretty foolproof all around, actually. Providing I get in to the program, but I'm not too worried about that. So that's that. And yesterday I got a disturbing e-mail from Andy's mom. Not because of anything she said, I just have issues with them lately and it's my own damn fault. So I got really upset and it bugged me all day, kept invading my conscious at inopportune moments. I was super sad, and Noah and I had a talk. He is a pleasant surprise a minute, that boy, I tell ya. He is so sweet and perfect (or damn close to it) and understanding and selfless. Who would have thought that a guy could be in this situation and handle it so well? He always tells me never to feel bad about missing Andy. That doesn't sound profound on paper (read: computer screen), but it really is, trust me. He also gave me possibly the best answer to the "what would I do without you" question I have ever heard. He said, "You would be just fine. And I would be just fine. But together we're a whole damn lot better." Yes.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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