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another year ends
the old coat of paint
last of the pre-gold days
June-Sept 2002
April/May 2002
Feb/March 2002

West Bend


2003-02-21 - two-faced universe
2003-02-17 - HAPPY!
2003-02-13 - in defense of my friends
2003-01-27 - the meeting
2003-01-24 - almost the day
2003-01-10 - Quizzes Galore!
2003-01-07 - back home
2003-01-04 - cape cod
2002-12-26 - Christmas Part I
2002-12-23 - Twin Towers SUCKS
2002-12-17 - Lizard Man! (and other stuff...long!)
2002-12-13 - Andy dream
2002-12-07 - song
2002-12-05 - christmas thoughts
2002-12-03 - late Lord of the Rings review
2002-12-02 - THANKS
2002-11-25 - lots of news
2002-11-13 - work and Noah
2002-11-05 - Halloween review
2002-11-04 - geek
2002-10-31 - stick figure: take 2
2002-10-29 - halloween and stuff
2002-10-25 - strange things afoot
2002-10-24 - AWs
2002-10-23 - PP issue solved!
2002-10-21 - warning...whiny
2002-10-16 - Crazy schedule!
2002-10-10 - dreams
2002-10-07 - relationships and stuff

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