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 diary at! contact me older entries

another year ends
the old coat of paint
last of the pre-gold days
June-Sept 2002
April/May 2002
Feb/March 2002

West Bend


2004-07-21 - summer
2004-04-02 - i don't feel like coming up with a name
2004-03-29 - formal...and stuff
2004-03-17 - -
2004-02-03 - honeymoon
2004-01-05 - Trent and me
2003-12-31 - -
2003-12-15 - commercials suck
2003-12-10 - I got married!!!
2003-12-02 - my relationship soapbox
2003-11-29 - someone stole my shit!
2003-11-18 - sorry
2003-10-30 - sorry, Mom
2003-10-17 - Warren-inspired
2003-10-09 - sjdhf
2003-09-10 - you know who you are
2003-09-02 - no theme, really
2003-08-27 - Noah's Ark
2003-08-18 - I met a tiger
2003-08-08 - -
2003-08-06 - to a friend
2003-07-25 - AJ and stuff
2003-07-21 - writer
2003-07-11 - I'm back!!
2003-06-25 - update
2003-06-17 - I'm back!!
2003-05-27 - reloaded
2003-05-21 - same old stuff
2003-05-13 - firsts
2003-05-10 - -
2003-05-02 - 124
2003-05-01 - wow
2003-04-28 - formal rocked!!
2003-04-24 - monkeys and rings
2003-04-23 - Who? Ken?
2003-04-21 - newest
2003-04-18 - empty news
2003-04-14 - crazy schedule
2003-03-31 - the boutique
2003-03-27 - me being bored
2003-03-24 - good weekend!
2003-03-20 - smashing zucchini
2003-03-14 - more tech complaints
2003-03-06 - boring (but new fun too!)
2003-03-01 - Hyper!
2003-02-27 - almost gold

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yLand diaries! recommend my diary to a friend! Get
 your own fun + free diary at!