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another year ends
the old coat of paint
last of the pre-gold days
June-Sept 2002
April/May 2002
Feb/March 2002

West Bend


2002-09-23 - I just want to bang on my drums all day
2002-09-20 - Noah's home!
2002-09-16 - dum de dum de dum
2002-09-10 - help please...
2002-09-03 - labor day weekend
2002-08-28 - you know who you are
2002-08-27 - when weird things happen to good people
2002-08-13 - blob
2002-08-12 - andy's parents
2002-07-31 - eek eek
2002-07-25 - work and school and no time left
2002-07-23 - slacker
2002-07-10 - birthday extravaganza
2002-06-27 - blah blah blah
2002-06-23 - home from vacation
2002-06-02 - Cape Cod Entry

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