rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

intense emotions abound

2002-05-02 - 3:44 p.m.

Weblog style entires? I don't think I'm that interesting.

Wow. Formal launched some serious diary entries in our little circle. I loved them all. I can't believe I actually experienced an online moment with Ken over what he wrote. He's right, you know, on a bunch of points. We are a family. Cat and I have had this conversation, as have Jaime and I. There are tau people who one could not say are liked by me, but I do love them. Friends aren't like that...families are.

And I haven't always put my petty personal issues aside to enjoy a night like formal. There are a number of particular situations burned into my mind where I did not. And the other people involved did not, and I have lost friends over it. At least a friend. So now I'm all about drinking and dancing and not using a night where all our emotions are already running so high to further exacerbate irreconcilable differences. Know what I'm saying, G? It worked well this year...I deftly avoided the few issues that could have pushed me over the edge and I had a GREAT time.

But I do love you all. I have been through some serious shit with you people. You have been there in a way that most families couldn't begin to compete with. I know Jester knows how I feel.

And Ana captured the Bohemian Rhapsody phenomenon with perfect Ana-like accuracy, wit and style. I love her for that. Among other things. And am jealous as hell for all the above reasons. And her D is my hero, so many times over that listing the most recent reason seems piddling.

I'm still reeling from my weekend...can you tell?

And there's a whole different whopper now too. Last night Noah and I had an intense night. We are the king and queen of hardcore discussions and moments of synchronicity. . .we trade energy back and forth like the whole world's supply is ours to play with. . .all my defenses are nonexistent in his presence. Keeping all that in mind, last night was still a doozie. Yeah. I can't even write about this...I don't know why I tried. All this is so amazing, and it scares the shit out of me at the same time. I'm happy though. He woke me up again.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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