rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

ramble on

2002-05-07 - 4:24 p.m.

I don't even remember what I wrote yesterday, and therefore have no clue where I left off. True, I could go back and look, but that seems too easy. Ahem. Anyway, I also don't even really know what to talk about. On the one hand, today was pretty eventful, but maybe so much filler for everyone else. The rest of my weekend would be good to record, but I already stated the problem with that. I have some long term decision issues...no, we won't go there yet. Then other people know what you were thinking and if you go off in a completely different direction it's all weird to explain, blah blah blah. And I read Warren's latest entry and it made me feel all nostalgic and sentimental, but not about anything in specific. Whatever...weekend.

Noah and I had an amazing Friday. He picked me up at work and we went to this crazy little zoo that they have at Como Park, all run by volunteers. I saw orangutans (sp?) and tamarins (I so want one as a pet, they look like they have mustaches), and lions and a snow leopard and buffalo...all kinds of crazy animals. We walked around eating a cherry icee and holding hands; I felt like I was in a John Hughes movie. That's a good thing in my world, by the way. Anyway, then we went down to the lake and laid on the dock and looked at the sky and held hands. We kept looking over at each other and smiling and KNOWING. Good stuff. then we went to dinner at Noah's Chinese restaurant. Everyone knows him there, like Cheers or something...where everybody knows your name. I suppose it's hard to miss the 6' 10" guy, especially when he comes in once a week. We had this tiny little table in the middle of a two rows of booths, but we were all alone. We're super good at that. After that we stopped at the apartment to get some wine and headed off to a bonfire in Northbranch (where he grew up). It was fun, the fire was cool. Most of the people were underage. I'm getting a little old for that. Tau is one thing. I don't know if I can even explain the difference. Anyway, it was fun until Laurie started whining, so we took off.

Saturday I slept in and hung out alone while Noah was at work. I accomplished nothing, which felt good. Dan and Laurie and some of their friends picked me up at 7 and we met Noah at the theater and went to see Spiderman. I liked it. Tobey McGuire rocks. Then we crashed J.E.'s house and watched Natural Born Killers. I love that movie. J.E. loves it too, which is why he owns it. Noah didn't like it, and I could have predicted that, and did actually. But I wanted him to at least try it. he said he would have wanted to turn it off fifteen minutes in but I had told him that there was a worthwhile message so he kept watching. And there is, so I'm glad he saw it. He said he was glad he saw it for that reason, but he didn't like it because it messed with his fluffy bunny world. Yeah, I know. Want to know something else funny? We were in this room, eight people including me, and the tension was so thick, the room so silent. When the cip in the dramatization dropped the donut, all of them laughed like they had been waiting five years for something to laugh at. The movie hit them hard. It was a weird feeling to be the most desensitized person in the room. I feel jaded now. My friends can watch that movie and laugh all over it. Andy LOVED that movie. It's a whole new ball game with these people. Life is odd.

Today, by the way, as a weird ass day at work. I think I'll talk about that and leave Sunday for the next entry. I spent the morning doing random tasks for random people, which was fun as hell. I asked pat if I could have tenure at large. Then I started training for my new job. the woman doing it is not so smart. She was freaking out about how little she knew, she's been here two months, I learned most of what she knws in four hours. Which is perfect. A brainless job while I'm in school works well. That's only half my described job though, so we'll see. Well, runnin out of time, so oh well. At least I'll have a reason to want to write next time.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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