rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
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top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

J.E. and guppies and fortunes, oh my!

2002-04-02 - 9:35 a.m.

Well, I did go dancing. It was hilarious. We went back to the same club we went to like two weeks ago, and it is such a dive, but a fun dive. Jaime and I were kicking beer bottles of our way on the dance floor. And she got hit on again. Actually guys were trying all night to dance with Jaime and Noah's friend Amber. Amber's boyfriend doesn't dance, so it looked like Noah and I and two single women. We kept pulling Amber to the other side of the circle and other such tricks to deny horny young men. It was amusing. Then the UPS guy hit on Jaime. He wasn't really a UPS guy, it's our nickname for him....but that's Jaime's story. Anyway, it was a good time and Amber and I got along really well. I was really starting to get worried that all the girls Noah's friends with were useless, but she cracks me up, and she told Noah I crack her up, so that's cool.

Then last night I was home alone while Noah was at work and J.E. called him and I actually talked to him on the phone for like ten minutes! And it was semi-deep even! Once again, Jaime gets it. Anyway, we talked about how Noah "changes," according to J.E., when he's dating someone. He was not being mean though, just discussing. And he said it wasn't my fault. When Noah got home I told him and he laughed a lot...he says J.E. can't handle the thought that Noah actually likes to do things other than video games and sports. And since he can't do anything else with J.E. he's usually doing those things with him when he's single. J.E.'s really a simple creature, but you can't help but love him.

Did I tell you about the fish? Yeah, Cecil and Basil died. We took them back to the pet store and got two new fish and a lump sum death payment for the first two, since they had been more expensive. They have a fourteen day guarantee on fish at Petsmart...where pets are family. But you have to roll in the corpse for it to work...makes me think of Ferris Bueller. Anyway....We got two blue fan-tail guppies, named Simon and Garfunkel. A week later they died, and this time Banky the plec died too. So we gave up. I have dead fish corpses in my freezer, and invisible fish in the still running fish tank. It doesn't bode well for the breeding question.

Well, we spent Easter with Noah's parents, which was cool. Good lunch, good conversation, good movie. We read our fortune cookies saying "in bed" at the end. I had to try really hard not to have the wrong facial expression when Noah's fortune was read...something like, you are generous to an extreme and always think of the feelings of others. Hell yeah, that's all I have to say!

Yesterday at work was nuts, but I lived through it, and I think today will be pretty calm. I hope I didn't just jinx myself. Have a good day, world.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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