rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

weekend update

2002-04-29 - 3:31 p.m.

I had such an awesome weekend!!

Friday night I went to see David Copperfield with Noah, Jaime, J.E. and Cassie (J.E.'s girlfriend, who I was meeting for the first time). (Should I have used whom there...that's a blind spot for me.) Anyway, she's really nice, really sweet, and really...blonde, maybe. Noah says "small-town." She's really booksmart, she's headed to law school. But in other ways, not so much. And she's one of those people that ends all her sentences with a question tone of voice. Do you know what I think of that? It gets really annoying really quickly? Like I wanted to slap her upside the head? But it probably wouldn't make a difference? Yeah, annoying. And she and J.E. have an odd relationship dynamic. He moos at her in restaurants and they just generally insult each other a lot. I mean, I try not to judge other people's relationships, but it's hard to say that's just them when you're sucking in air over how harsh they get on a regular basis. Anyway, we had dinner, which was hardcore, then we went to the show. It was incredible. He switched two girls' underwear, he squished a clown's head, and he disappeared and reappeared in Bali with an audience member. I don't care if it's real or not, or how it works, it was cool as hell.

And formal was super fun too. The DJ kind of sucked, to be honest. And I'm not sure why the timing was so screwed up...why did he not start until 9, and why did he stop before bar time? That part sucked, but the during part was good. It was cool to meet the new Taus, they all seem like they're going to be great additions to the house. I have to say that Jarrick (sp?) and Hobbes are my favorites so far, but I didn't get a lot of chances to talk to the others. I felt a little old, but I suppose that's par for the course at this point. And there were some people I was hoping to see that didn't show up, but I was glad to see Sarah and Karin, and Amy Alberts, all unexpected.

There were no major dramas this year, which made me happy. I know there was potential for a few at least, but I had promised myself not to get involved, so I was glad I didn't see any starting. I even had Noah pre-warned in case he saw me edging toward histrionics, and he was unnecessarily on guard.

Thank you to all who gave me forbidden offers, by the way. I'm happy where I am, but much like when I stopped baking bread, it's still nice to be invited to participate. I felt loved.

The whole Andy-shot thing kind of sucked. I don't mean it that way. It was amazing of Tom to do it...Andy would have loved it, and so did I, and it was right. But I had thought that maybe I would make it through the night without Andy backing up on me. In retrospect, that was an incredibly stupid expectation. Something would have tipped me off either way, I'm sure. I requested Bohemian Rhapsody earlier that night, and the DJ's timing couldn't have been more perfect on that one. I have always had really intense emotion for my friends and my house during that song, since the night I became a Tau. But since Andy died, it's even more intense. Anyway, thanks to everyone who gave me support during and after that episode. I felt so dumb. First because I had been expecting to avoid it, and second because it looks so dumb to be the sad widow with a date. But he makes me happy, and I'm done feeling bad about that. He was perfect...all night, but especially about the Andy moment.

Overall, an awesome weekend. I love my friends!

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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