rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

was there a point to this?

2002-04-11 - 10:39 a.m.

Who's your Fellowship fella?
Tall, dark, and RUGGEDLY handsome!

"Aw, you go for the tall, dark and handsome type. How trite. True, Aragorn's as much a man as any of the Fellowship, but the whole "I'm not good enough to be king" thing really gets in the way of bedroom fun. Whining can be a real turn-off, you know." I'd go for Aragorn, according to this quiz. I'll agree with that. He's my favorite non-hobbit, aside from Gandalf, who is not sexy. And no offense to hobbits, but they're too short. Hee hee.

I actually went to bed early last night. Poor Noah, I think I fell asleep on him. Well, you got to sleep sometime. He was talking to me, by the way...you people have dirty minds.

Thanks to Nicholas for the note and the website and his general existence in the universe. We need to talk soon.

Have you ever been genuinely surprised by someone? I had that experience today and I find that I like it. It doesn't really change anything in terms of how I feel about that person, but in an objective, detached way it changes things.

I have been in less contact with one certain friend of mine. Are you doing it on purpose? Did I do somethng to offend you? I feel dumb about even wondering...maybe you're just busy. I hate the idea that it might really be about me.

Three people told me today that they would like to see me stay at Cityview. I'd like to stay too, I just need a job. Knock on wood. I have been doing a lot of networking. We'll see.

I can't wait for formal. I want to dance and possible get good and drunk. At the very least I want to have some Baja Rosa shots. I think Noah will be amused as hell by me in that environment. I mean, he went to Ripon already, but he didn't get to see me at a party. I'm lookig forward to it.

This is a really random entry, so I'm going now.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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