rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

andy, kellie, cassius and the minion (not necessrily in that order)

2002-04-05 - 2:17 p.m.

Well, after work today I'm off to West Bend for the weekend. I get to spend a bunch of time with Kellie, which will be super cool. I've never really gotten to hang out with her as much as I would like, as circumstances always seem to be stacked against us. And I'll get to see her with her boy, which is exciting too because she's so happy.

But the whole trip won't be fun and games. I'm going to clean the storage out, which needs to be done. It's looming over me and I can't wait any more. It's going to suck to see all his stuff and have to do decide what to do with it. But I can't just have that tether waiting to pull me back in forever. So here goes, jump in with both feet.

Noah is going with me, which will be odd. I know that it scares him a little, and rightfully so I would say. But he wants to be there for me, which I appreciate more than I can say.

If you read this and you were friends with Andy and there is something of his that you just have to have, let me know somehow.

In other news, because I'm sick of that subject, work is all crazy. There's a minion, and angry hyper people running around and whispering in all the hallways. Fun stuff. But I'm glad it's Friday, and I refuse to wake up any earlier than 10:30 tomorrow, and that's final.

Also: I finally got around to checking out another journal that I had been reading and haven't seen in months. I really want to be friends with this person...she's an amazing writer and all her interests mesh with mine. This could be a good way to meet new people...or at least to find interesting reading that'e easier to get away with at work than a book would be. Hee hee. But really, I enjoy reading her and I wish I could be that engaging.

You know what's funny? The code name issue. Some people have them, some people don't. Andy used to have one (remember Ben?) but then I think that at one point things got too hard core to care about petty issues like that. It's fun though, so I don't want to drop all of them. I just think the whole issue is amusing.

Well, see y'all on Monday!

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Any Music On?

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