rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

empty news

2003-04-18 - 2:24 p.m.

This is day ten. I came in a little late today, and I'll probably leave a little early because there is nothing left to do and I am bored out of my gourd. But it will be okay because I have worked so many extra hours in this pay period that losing one or two will still leave me with more money than usual.

Noah and I have some crazy plans in the works. I don't want to talk to much about them now because it makes me nervous...like, if I talk about it prematurely, then it won't work out. But I have to say something because it is all I have been able to think about since we made the decision on Wednesday night. It's kind of like when you are pregnant and you're not supposed to tell anybody until two months in case things go badly. I'm not pregnant, I assure you, it's just similar to that particular piece of superstition.

You know, I've realized that Noah can pretty much lay out any plan for me and my response is always a calm "okay." Let's move to the Virgin Islands, buy a condo on the beach and go to school at the University of the Virgin Islands. Okay. Let's not go to work tomorrow and just cuddle in bed all day. Okay. Let's quit our jobs and move back in my parents while we go to school full time. Okay. I mean, we never go through with these things, of course, so partially my okay is in jest. But the reason that I can say it so calmly and be sometimes partially serious about it is twofold: one, I know that he researches every part of every idea of his to death because he enjoys it, even the really silly ideas, so I can trust that he would never suggest a crazy plan and go off half-cocked. I trust him, is the point, implicitly. And two, because now and then we do have a serious plan and he makes a suggestion and I say okay and I really mean it, and suddenly we find that we've made a pretty momentous decision in about five minutes, and all we have left to do is discuss details. That's what happened Wednesday night. While we were having dinner at Old Chicago. Crazy stuff, but I feel really good about it. And about us.

I have to work on Easter. I think it will be okay, but it feels weird to say that. I get out at 3, so then I can go hang with Noah and his family after that. I got all his Easter basket stuff yesterday, and I can't wait to give it to him. I also got some plastic eggs to hide so he can have his own Easter egg hunt Sunday night. Fun stuff! I think my mom commisioned him to get an Easter basket for me so she won't have to mail one. It's supposed to be a surprise, but I know them both too well, just I'll just pretend not to know for a while.

My mom said three million good things about him when I was on the phone with her last night. She kept talking about how much she liked him and how happy he makes me and that she wants us to get married. It's pretty cool. I was also telling her about how he gets hit on all the time I say I don't blame the women for wanting him, but they can't have him because I got there first. Then she said "And I say they can't have him either!!" She's so cute.

Noah has been teasing me a lot lately about the getting married issue. I know he had a proposal idea months ago, but I have no idea what it is or what kind of timing or anything that he has planned. He likes to bring it up a lot to tease me, and it makes me all giddy. I can wait, because I am super happy with what we have now. But I am excited to see what he comes up with.

I talked to my sister, Jacqui, last night on the phone too. She is so neat and we get along so well, because we're so much alike. I wish I got to see her more, and I wish her life would work out for her because she deserves it. She always works so hard and she is such a good person. It sucks that those things don't guarantee that life will be easy and good for you.

Well, I'm going home now. I'm going to read a little of my book before Noah gets home from work, and then we're going to the Twins game tonight. At the Tuesday game, Jaime and I got a head nod from Jacques Jones. Cool!! Maybe I can get one from Torri Hunter tonight!

Word Of The Day: chopper

Any Music On? nope

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 3

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