rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

what did I do??

November 06, 2004 - 7:50 pm

So, I put a story I wrote online today. I probably shoudn't have done that, because now I am thinking of nothing else. I'm pretty sure that eventually someone will break down my door, slap the cuffs on me and read me my rights as they take me off to bad write jail. "Ma'am, you have the right to remain silent. You gave up that right, and you should not have done so. You should have stayed silent and left the question of your idiocy unanswered. As it is, you have given up that right and no literate attorney will have you." I'm a little nervous about it. But I feel like I spent the last weeke excited about a story in a way I haven't been in a long time, and that's good at least. Maybe I do suck, but at least I put it out there.

I have been losing interest in the new job lately. I think I still have performed well, but I don't care as much. I miss being on the floor, being with the residents. We'll see.

I came across a journal today that was interesting. I clicked on a banner ad (which reminds me that I made one I never posted...) because it was intriguing. At first the diary seemed to be intriguing as well. The writing was intelligent, the layout looked good, interesting subject matter, and the girl put her picture in and was hot!! I thought, sweet! A new journal to read. But then I read more, and after a while the laundry list of her accomplishemnts and general reasons to think she's awesome became overwhelming. Geez! I'm all about being proud of yourself, but have some humility. Too bad, really.

Sometimes I don't know where I stand with people. It has definitely come to my attention a number of times lately that the status I was working with was not the same as the other person's idea. Am I completely out of it? Or do people send me a lot of mixed signals? Or maybe people handle and process things ina way I don't get.

I hope everyone had fun at Halloween. I was sad to not be in Ripon, but I had a good night. We had Robert and Paul over for dinner. I got the recipe from Nicholas, and it was awesome!! I felt like a big grown up. Anway...guess that's all for now.

Word Of The Day: scared!

Any Music On? basketball game

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4

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