rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006


October 20, 2004 - 9:02 am

Well, yesterday was long and quite tedious, but I got through it. Then today I come in and have a not nice e-mail from one of my bosses. This time I decided to fight back and e-mailed in defense of myself. I got a nice sorry and thank you one back a little after that, so I feel a little better. But you know, I started this as a favor to her, so you'd think she'd be a little nicer and a little more grateful. Whatever.

I took my final yesterday and I think I did alright. The proeblme is that my instructor has not yet posted my grade. Doesn't she know that I have an unhealthy attachment to the subjective and objective opinions of me held by people in authority positions??? It borders on an obsession, really. I mean, let's be honest. And if I get a B in this class because the person that was randomly chosen to be my active authority figure for the semester either doesn't like me or is retardedly obsessed with useless bull like APA format in an RN program, then I am going to cry. In her office. Loudly. Okay, maybe not. And really, I have a degree in English, so APA format is not the problem. It's a principles thing, because nowhere at any time am I going to be an RN in a skilled care environment and have a doctor ask me to please, when doing my charting, use proper APA format. And since when do I have to document the pathophysiology of a goven disease or condition when I can find it in about 8,000, 000, 000, 000 or so nursing and anatomy books!!! I despise people who would rather show off the fact that they have credentials then help you get yours.

Okay, I realize that none of that made semse to anyone, but I needed to rant, so there it is. I need a nap. Instead, I have a meeting. So I will still be sleeping, just that I have pretned not to be. See ya!

Word Of The Day: APA

Any Music On? no

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 3 so far not terrible, and I have no class tonight and the day off tomorrow...

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