rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

commercials suck

2003-12-15 - 7:04 p.m.

I really hate commercials that imply that men cannot do anything without women...they can't shop for groceries, they can't babysit the children. And besides that, they also don't want to shop, but the women will give up anything, do anything, including leaving their children with an inept father, just to get to Marshall Fields. Oh, and I REALLY hate the one when the woman is trying to make coffee and her husband wants to have sex, so she goes in and thirty seconds later is back in the kitchen. I'm sure the advertising people who think this shit up (and I am not using that word figuratively, because it IS shit) think that it is funny, that people who watch might feel agreeable towards it and go buy the damn products of the greedy bastards who pay for the shit commercials. And the worst part is, that probably does work. I'm sure there are a ton of average Joes and Janes who see those commercials and think, "Oh yes, that's hilarious, I hate babysitting my own kids," or "Quite true, my husband sucks in bed also, and I can't wait to get that coffee machine, which will make my life so much better." I have absolute faith in nothing if not the fact that these people exist. Otherwise, there would be no call for the advertising freaks. And I agree with Bill Hicks, by the way, that anyone in marketing or advertising should kill themselves. But the desire to be paid to pander to what is truly wrong with the people in the world is not so wrong to me as to be the people that give in to it and make it possible for those freaks to have jobs. Everytime I watch even a half hour of television I am bombarded by this crap, and it makes me want to cry. And gods forbid you should want to watch a sporting event on t.v. They bring out the big guns for that stuff, and actually, you don't even needto wait for the actual commercial breaks to see someone selling out for the product and the money that's attached to it. Okay, I'm a little bitter.

Did I mention I've been rereading some Ayn Rand lately? That doesn't actually have an effect on how I feel about all this, it just makes it more clear.

In other news, I am totally pissed at myself. Nothing new, actually, same old shit. There are a million things I want to do, and I don't do them. Sometimes it is truly a lack of time. But then when I do get the time, like tonight, I don't do it anyway. I am done with classes until February, Noah is at work, I have done the housework that desperately needed to be done tonight, and yet I am accomplishing nothing. Actually, I'm quite proud of myself for writing in here, because I don't do that as often as I would like. However, I will probably stop writing this, re-bury myself in the Fountainhead, and feel unaccomplished when Noah suddenly walks in the door. However, when Noah does come in, I'll only be mad at myself for a minute, because once he is really home and we are talking, I will forget that there is anything I wanted to do that I have not done. That sounds bad, but it's not. And really, we'll prbably have a discussion about it.

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