rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

I got married!!!

2003-12-10 - 9:08 p.m.

I got married!!!! YIPEE!!!

And lots of my friends were here to see it, and lots sent cards or e-mails or called, and all of that made me quite giddy indeed. But nothing has made quite as giddy as the fact that Noah is my HUSBAND!! I have been obnoxiously overusing that word for the past five days. My husband said...when my husband and I....I told my husband that....

Yeah, it's super fun. And we keep reminding each other too, every time we talk. "Guess what, honey?" "What?" "We got married!" Than we both giggle. It's all pretty sick, but way lots of fun.

The ceremony was perfect. Except, I guess, for the minor detail that when we kissed I lifted my arm up and blocked the kiss from the audience and the videocamera with my bouquet. So we did it again later, for effect. After the ceremony, Noah and I walked back down the aisle and nobody moved from their seats and we stood there hugging and staring at each other and grinning like idiots for a few minutes before we realized we should maybe do something.

The reception was also amazing. J.E. and Amber gave toasts, and they both totally made us cry. I hope everyone who reads this who doesn't know either of them gets to meet them someday, because they are both amazing people and we are lucky to have them. The Amber speech made me cry the most, because she was so sweet and we have been friends such a short time. Naoh's mom and dad also stood and said things, and they really made me cry. Sitting next to J.E. all night was probably one of the most amusing experiences I've ever had, and I know a lot of amusing people. He cracks me up. And everyone got a kick out of the big purple monkey on our cake. We cut him out and have frozen him for our first anniversary. For anyone who didn't know about the purple monkey, I have pictures.

The only bad thing was that, due to the storm out east, we didn't get to go to the Cape for the reception we had planned out there. But we stayed in a hotel down by the airport for the weekend and had fun anyway. And we got a full refund for the plane tickets, so we'll plan it again for a more weather-friendly time.

I am super happy. I can't believe we got married. It's taking a while to really set in. And I'm glad we got the whole thing on video. Unlike most couples, I think we will actually watch it fairly regularly, it's so fun.

So that's about it. This week is the last week of classes for both of us, so we'll get to rest and actually spend some time together in the middle of the week for a while. And only six weeks until our cruise. YAY!!!!!!

Word Of The Day: married

Any Music On? no (Inever do anymore, I'm so boring)

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 3 I haven't seen Noah since I left for work, but other than that it's not been bad.

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