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my relationship soapbox

2003-12-02 - 12:06 p.m.

I am getting married in three days.

I am getting married in three days.

I am getting married in three days.

I'm hoping if I type it enough times, I will believe it.

Everyone keeps asking us if we are nervous. Nervous? No way! But ecstatic beyond belief and watching every minute of my life go by way to slowly because I cannot wait until it is finally Friday night? Absolutely!!

I think it's bizarre to be nervous about your wedding. If you are nervous about the concept of getting married to that person, then you might want to rethink. If I were to be nervous about anything, it might be just about things going off as planned without a hitch, but I'm not even nervous about that really. I mean, the first time I got married I was over two hours late for the ceremony. It would take a lot of work to be a bigger disaster than that, so anything small that happens Friday I'm sure I can handle. But nervous about marrying Noah? Not at all. I am in shock, sometimes, that this is actually happeneing. I am the luckiest little girl in the world.

You know, I don't think there are a lot of people who are truly happy in their marriage, and that makes me sad. People always make comments about Noah and I because they see us touching a lot, or see how my face looks when I talk about him, or just generally get the idea that I am really happy and in love. They make comments about how things will fade, how we haven't been together that long, etc.. And I think that they are just jealous, because it did fade for them over time, or because they never had it all. I think most people get married for the wrong reasons, then are surprised when things don't work out. I also think people wimp out to soon and get a divorce, because they are too lazy to put time and effort in. Love and marriage are complex, and you have to be willing and able to fall in love with each other all over again every day. Noah and I are best friends, we have a ton in common, we love spending time together, and we have just enought not in common to make things interesting. We don't always agree on everything, sometimes there is friction, but we do always respect one another. And we do agree on how to handle things that come up between us. Because the number one most important thing is our relationship, and I never want to forget that.

So that's my soapbox. I hope in fifty years I still think and feel the same way. I just hate it when people are pessimistic about love. Anyway, Noah's home, so off I go. Three more days!!!

Word Of The Day: love

Any Music On? Ani

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 5

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