rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

AJ and stuff

2003-07-25 - 10:52 p.m.

So I saw Tomb Raider Two tonight. Everyone had been saying (everyone being critics, of course, as I know nobody else who has seen it yet) that it was better than the first. Angeline even thought so. I would say no worse, but also no better. Having said that, I should say that I did enjoy, as I enjoyed the first one. My friend Steve described it as "nipple-tastic," and I am inclined to agree.

In other news...

I'm trying to plan for Noah's birthday. I won't say much here, on the off chance that he would read. It's a very off chance, but you can't be too careful. Anyway, I just hope that I can plan well and make it perfect, because his birthday plan for me was just amazing. He's usually better at planning those sorts of things than I am. I'm glad I was born a woman, because stereotypically I don't have to worry over those things as much. Okay, don't freak out...I really don't see the man-woman thing that way. But the truth is, I expect more from a guy than I would be able to deliver. Fortunately, I found the perfect man, so life is good. :)

Right now, Noah and Stevie are down in the billiard room. I'm supposed to go down there when I'm done here. I have to wrok in the morning, so I probably shouldn't, but I don't care. I'll sleep when I retire. Also, I am going to River Falls tomorrow night to see Ken star in Greater Tuna, and I am super excited about it. And that means that I will probably be home late tomorrow night too, and be tired for work on Sunday...even more reason to get to bed tonight. I'll think it over.

I really wish I could just win the damn lottery or something, so I wouldn't actually have to work. I probably still would, but I would do it a lot less, and spend a lot more time doing what I want. Okay, I'm really not going to rant about this again.

Off to play pool...sucking the marrow and all that.

Word Of The Day: nipple-tastic, of course

Any Music On? only the quiet hum of the air conditioner

Rating Of The Day (1-5): I slept in, read a lot, saw a cool movie and got to hang with Noah...5

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