rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006


2003-03-01 - 11:13 p.m.

Yo yo yo!! I am the mad phat master of the h to the tml!!

Okay, actually I'm just a proverbial babe in the woods, struggling to piece this crap together, and I wouldn't have gotten anywhere at all without all the amazing help of the true mad phat master, the marvelous hoffj. And she thought she was giving me more info than I wanted. HA! I want it all! And by the way, Jen, it did not sound like you were talking down to me, because I really know nothing. But now I know a little, so props to you!

The only problem I have now is that the new background seems to take forever to load. One could read an entire entry before getting th chance to see the fruits of all my backbreaking work. (More like butt-breaking, since sitting on this couch gets really ouchy after a while.) Well, maybe that will sort itself out later, or I'll find a way to fix it. I'm also mad because my buttons were supposed to have a transparent background, and it looks white to me, so what's up with that? Ah, baby steps, I guess.

This is really weird because I am writing this on the laptop and Noah is sitting right next to me on the couch. I have totally given him permission to read this, but he said he wanted to let me keep it private. It's all relative. Anyway, even if he had read it before, it would still be weird to be writing it in front of him. I mean, it's not like he's staring at the screen...he's playing video game basketball with J.E. Anyway....

It occurs to me that this entire entry is all about stuff only I really care about it. And if this were a regular journal, I never would have even had that thought. Man, oddness. I am tired.

I rearranged all our CDs and VHS tapes today. The CDs were all out of order because two of the shelf things tipped over one night and we put them all back in willy-nilly due to laziness. But not being able to find the CD I wanted was pissing me off, so I redid it today. And the VHS tapes have been all outof order too, which deters our actually watching them. And although we have a veritable plethora of DVDs, we have a lot of good movies on VHS. So I put them all in order, in categories, and made a list that we can peruse when we want to watch a movie. Neat, huh?

This is a super long entry, and I didn't even mention Mary Kay. Oh well, suspense can be good for you.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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