rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
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top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

two-faced universe

2003-02-21 - 2:46 p.m.

So I'm having a bit of life confusion. Career confusion, actually.

When I started this whole nursing deal it seemed to me that the universe was totally behind me, and maybe even setting things up for me. I was totally lost, no plans to go anywhere or do anything. Andy had just died and it left me feeling really hopeless and wondering what the hell the next step would be.

Then, on a random trip to visit one of my best friends, I met Noah. That event in itself turned my life around. I could go on and on about that, but it's not really the point I'm currently trying to make, and I'm sure people are sick of reading my gushing anyway.

Anyway, a few days later I got the opportunity to take a temporary job at the place Jaime worked, which would give me a reason to be in Minnesota, with Noah. Hmmmm, I thought, that's a little convenient. And I loved the job. I wish it hadn't been temporary, but at least I got offered a permanent job in another position.

Then, all of a sudden the administrator is telling me about this scholarship that Walker has for employees who want to go school for nursing. All the time that I had spent living in the hospital with Andy had taught me a lot about nurses. And all our nurses and family and friends teased me about becoming a nurse because of all the ways I tried to take care of Andy. So I thought, wait a minute here...

I was thinking, albeit not too seriously, about becoming a nurse. Then Andy died and I had no idea about anything. Then out of the blue I move to Minnesota to take a cool job, that just happens to want to help me pay for school. Yeah. So of course I went for it.

I started taking prerequisite classes at a community college here in the metro. Then I apply, three weeks early, for the nursing program, and I am informed two weeks later, notice that this is even before the actual application deadline, that I am on a waiting list because the program is already full for next fall. What the hell?? After some research I discovered that they were already full before posting the dates for applications this time around. Why didn't they tell anybody?? And it left me with almost no time to apply anywhere else. I have just barely enought time to apply to St. Catherine's, which is the best school anyway, but it's mega-expensive. About four times as much as the community school I've been going to. And that will only be a problem if I get in anyway. AARRGGHH!

What's up, universe? I thought we were together on this one! I really really want to be a nurse, like, tomorrow. Life is screwed up, you know?

On a different note, I am super excited that the weekend is finally here. I get to leave work in twenty minutes, and then I can get some much needed rest this weekend. This has been one hell of a week. I don't even want to go into it. But Noah just called and asked if I wanted to go to the Timberwolves game tonight, so that's what we're doing. Fun! I cannot wait to get out of here.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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