rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

in defense of my friends

2003-02-13 - 10:12 a.m.

I am so fucking mad right now I can barely stand it. And maybe I shouldn't be writing about it, because one of the people I'm most mad at would be furious if he knew that I knew. And yet, if he's here to read this, then he is more of a hypocrite than I even thought possble, so fuck him. I got an e-mail today with a copy of something this asshole wrote, and I've seen similar thoughts from other people, but this asshole took it all too far.

Tau apathy is not a myth propagated by a dead man. Andy didn't make this shit up. For someone you hate so much, you give him an awful lot of power and influence. And it's also not something that I care to defend for its own sake, but it's there. Does that mean that all Taus are apathetic and don't accomplish anything? No. I know a lot of Taus who have done some great things, and I'm proud to count myself among them. But the real point is...


You want to say that sitting in your room every day with the same group of people, sucking drugs into your lungs, is more socially active than role-playing games? Fuck that! RPGs take more imagination than you, or some other people I can think of, have ever had. And yes, I've done both things, so I'm not trying to knock the drug scene either. What I am saying is that it's bullshit to act like your chosen activity is worth more than anybody else's. Yes, gamers tend to socialize with only other gamers when there's a game going on. That's because 1. they want to do the activity they have chosen, and 2. most other people want nothing to do with that activity. Guess what? Same goes for people hanging out smoking in a room.

And if you want to be outside playing sports, more power to you. But maybe I want to play a game inside, or, gods forbid, read a fucking book? When was the last time you did that? When I die, it's not going to be some mountain mystery where I'm probably just hanging out and hiding so people will think my pathetic life actually has meaning. When I die, I will happy that I loved so many people, and was loved by so many people, instead of hiding under a false life and pseudo-intelligence. I will be glad that I took every opportunity to make myself a better, more interesting person. And between now and then, I will not make barely disguised references to a person that I was scared shitless of and who was loved by many other people more than anyone will ever love me. So get a fucking life and stop picking on him. You may not have any self-worth, I recognize that. But learn to live with it, because the truth is, there's nothing about you that will ever be worth remembering. You're a sad excuse for a human being, and you prove it every time you open your mouth. Ever since I became a Tau, there have been issues like this. Litte scuffles between warring factions. And you know what? That's natural. Because there are a lot of people around, many are still going through the growing-up/finding-yourself process, and they all have very different personalities and preferences. No one group is right about what the best activities are. And many people do everything possible. If you are unhappy with your own life, then fine. But don't get mad at other people for being happy with theirs.

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