rant - July 12, 2006
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Andy dream

2002-12-13 - 9:58 a.m.

I keep forgetting to talk about this. I had this crazy dream about Andy a few weeks ago. I was at some sort of carnival in Ripon, with Noah and Jaime and my friend Liisa, and some other people. It was down by Piggly Wiggly, but there was a giant building like where Miller's should be, and there were carnival-like things in there. We were sitting there and I saw Hans walk by and into the building, and he looked like he was in a big hurry about something. And then behind him I saw Andy, with long hair. I tried to run up and grab him, but I couldn't get there before he went inside. So I was freaking out and I went into the building, and my friends followed me. I caught up with Hans and he was like, "I have to talk to you about something really important!" It was more worked up than I have ever seen Hans get. So I was like, "You mean him?, because I can see him." Hans seemed shocked and he moved to the side and I went and hugged Andy and then we were both crying and laughing and hugging over and over again. And we talked a little and he said, "Come with me." When I woke up, that scared the crap out of me, but in the dream it made me laugh, made me giddy. Ever since Andy and I got together, he would always say to me, "Run away with me and live in sin." He would still say it after I did move in with him, and even after we were married. I had a variety of answers to give at any given time. So when he said come with me in the dream, it felt similar to that. Weird. But it was cool because I have had a bunch of dreams about Andy since he died, but most of them are not the kind that make me happy. That one made me so happy all the next day.

A year ago, yesterday, I got the best standing hug of my life.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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