rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

halloween and stuff

2002-10-29 - 1:27 p.m.


So I'm going to the Halloween party this weekend. It was actually a pretty tough decision whether to go or not, but I weighed all the options and decided, what the hell? So yeah, see you all on Friday night.



' '

I was tring to draw a stick figure. Did it work? I was preparing to tell you this "wow, I have way too much time on hands and have chosen poorly as to how to spend it" chemistry joke that my geeky professor told us. You need stick figures, you see (as if that weren't obvious). But then I realized how much explanation I'd have to go into to explain it to you and decided that if I did that I would fall into that same category. So no, you don't get to see the chemistry funny. Sorry.

So I got an e-mail the other day from this kid I used to babysit for who, by the way, is in HIGH SCHOOL now. Freaky! Should a person be allowed to have "wow I feel old" moments at 25? He's all grown up now, and he's a little sixteen year old hottie. Bizarre. It's actually kind of funny because there's this cute young'un in my bilogy class who studies with us and he is only sixteen...or actually turned 17 on Thursday, and he's a PSEO student. I could have babysat for him...and he's smarted in Bilogy than I am. The world is a weird place.

Did I tell you about the crazy wedding we went to this weekend. Halloween themed, of course. In this cute little church in the middle of nowhere for a ten minute ceremony, then a 45 minute drive back into a real town for the reception. Where we wore theater masks when the bride and groom came in because the groom's sister thought it would be a hoot. i don't know if she actually used that word, but I wouldn't put it past her. She is the same woman who wore a hot pink mumu to the wedding. And they passed out little orange superballs and bubble neckalces with vampires and spiders on them. It was bizarre. (I think I like that word). Anyway, in the receiving line the bride's father, as he was shaking my hand, asked if we (meaning Noah and I) would be having the next wedding he would be going to. What an on-the-spot question. I said "I don't know," in a drawn-out, coy fahion, if you can picture that. Then when we were out of earshot I said to Noah, "I should have said,'I doubt it because we're eloping because we hate this whole crazy ritual!'" That would have shut him up. Okay, two points. One, I actually really like Mark, who is the bride's father, and I shouldn't make him sound so bad. He's a cool guy, who unfortunately was embroiled in a crazy situation. Secondly, I know I did the wedding thing before. And I loved it, honestly, and had fun and would do it again...with Andy...but having been through all of it once already, and knowing the stress that's involved, and it being my second go-round (which really isn't supposed to happen ideally) and Noah not being into it anyway, I am totally into the eloping idea. That was a really long sentence. I apologize. Anyway, you get the point.

Okay, I really should do some work,

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