rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

strange things afoot

2002-10-25 - 4:01 p.m.

This has been the weirdest day...and not in a good way.

First of all, I mega-overslept this morning. I woke up feeling all refreshed and wondering how much time I had until the alarm would go off, then looked over and saw that it was 11:15! The alarm was supposed to have gone of four hours before that! And it sucks to have that happy, refreshed morning feeling and then have it dashed by the loud explicatives that rush out of your mouth as you jump out of bed and run to the phone to call work and have to admit that you overslept like a moron. And the rest of the day never feels right when I sleep late. But it got worse.

First, I had wanted to have the apartment all clean for when Noah gets home. Last night the dryer wasn't working right and so I laid clothes out all over the floor to dry. I hope they will be dry by the time we get home tonight, but either way they will be all over the floor when he walks in. Aargh!

Then I got to work late and no one seemed too upset, although Messeret didn't get here until an hour after me because she had a meeting this morning, so she probably isn't mad only because she wasn't here. And neither was Pat, so I guess I got lucky. But then I was stocking supplies and I had to come back down to my office to get some things and when I came off the elevator I saw EMTs and a strectcher. I thought something had happened with a resident, and that is scary enough. My mind very quickly went through a list of all the resienta I could think of who would have a reason the be in that hallway. Then they told me it was actually a staff member. He was having chest pains and fell over and one of his workers found him. I hope he's alright.

I found out later that one of the residents did die today, early this morning. She had been here a long time.

Then we saw the news about the senators plane going down, and everyone on the plane was killed. Someone I work with may have had a friend on that plane, but they are not releasing the names yet so he's not sure.

Another one of the residents went missing right at the end of lunch. A search was launched. He is a Traumatic Brain Injury patient, doesn't speak much English, and he's out there wandering the streets of downtown Minneapolis. (He speaks Spanish, but he'll tell you he speaks French. He says it in Spanish..."Hablo Frances." It would be funny if it weren't so sad.) I hope they find him.

And on top of all that, Noah is right now on a plane home from California. It left at 2:00 our time, and lands at 5:30 and I cannot wait until he is on the ground and safe again. I am so freaked out right now. I've been trying not to think about it but I really can't help it.

What is up with the universe today???

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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