rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006


2002-10-24 - 3:19 p.m.

So today's distraction from the soul-sucking mundanity of the tenth circle of hell (otherwise known as my workplace) was Jaime and I putting the word "AfroWhores" into as many movie titles as we could. It came from the movie Rat Race...when the guy's checkingout of the hotel and the desk clerk is telling him he has charges for watching AfroWhores again and again for two days? The word just cracks Jaime and I up, so we started this little project. First we e-mailed each other lists, which have probably added up to a couple hundred movies at this point. Then we went to lunch and kept going with it...we even dipped into song lyrics and book titles, but only briefly. Three other work people shoed up and had lunch with us and they got into it too, which cracked us up even more. Everyone at work is so used to the hair-brained schemes of the wonder twins that they barely notice how truly strange we can be anymore. But the funniest part about the lunch thing was that the HR woman was with us, and she is so much more of an adult than anyone else that was sitting there. We thought she'd disapprove of our little activity, but she actually chimed in with a few...and they were really good! Her best three were: Diary of an AfroWhore, Valley of the AfroWhores, and AfroWhores of Arabia. Good Stuff. Try it, it's fun. I think my top three favorites of the day would have to be: How Stella Got Her AfroWhore Back, My Father the AfroWhore, Can't Buy Me AfroWhores and, at the top of the list, My Own Private AfroWhore. Oh, and then Jaime decided to try food products and came up with AfroWhoreos. To which Jeff asked if you could get double-stuffed AfroWhoreos. Sometimes you shouldn't go where you're brain is taking you.

Wow. That was a really out of control fun project of ours, and I can't believe I just spent all that time writing about it. I would apologize for the possibility of upsetting someone, but I won't because it was all in fun.

Anyway, the point should be abundantly clear. Jaime and I obviously need jobs that will challenege our brains more. We have way too much creative energy to waste on these crazy things, so we must not be using it for work.

So I'm going to do that Nanowrimo thing and write a 50,000 word novel in a month. It sounds so fun! At least it will get me writing, and even if it's not very good it will be better than all the writing I have NOT been doing for the past few months. So does anyone want to do it with me?

I have a half hour left at work and I might go insane by then. I was so busy today I could barely stop to breathe, then the last half hour will crawl by painfully.

My mom left this morning. I was sad because I know it will be a while until I se her again. But it will be nice to be all chill and alone tonight. I need to clean the apartment up before Noah gets back, and I think I'll take a long bath. Noah gets back tomorrow night, actually, and I CAN'T WAIT!!!!! I have missed him SOOO much this week. We talk on the phine every night, but it's not the same. I hope he doesn't have to go on the third trip for a long time.

Maybe I'll call Warren tonight and see if he can help me get my archive thing worked out. I don't want to lose any entries. Not because they're particularly interesting, or anything.

I got an e-mail today from some person and I have no idea who it was...but the e-mail address was obviously from the place I grew up...am I getting senile about those people already? There was even a picture and I didn't recognize the guy at all. Weird.

So anyway, I'm babbling now, trying to waste time. Could you tell?

I'll end it now. Bye!

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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