rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

Crazy schedule!

2002-10-16 - 1:23 p.m.

Hi there!

I have a lot to talk about...that's pretty weird.

So Jester and Josh came up this past weekend. They showed up around...okay, wait, it was weirder than that. First, they said they would be here around midnight. Noah and I made plans to have dinner with Jaime, then go bowling with Nick and another one of his friends. I went home and waited for Jaime to come over and meet us. Noah and I went out to the field behind the apartment and sat there taking in the sun and talking. I could have stayed out there all night. But we were hungry and it seemed like it was getting late, so we went inside. There was a missed call on my cell phone from Jaime and I called back, but she didn't answer. Seven measly minutes had elapsed, by the way. So Noah and I sat back and played a game of video basketball, which I lost, and then I called again and Jaime answered and she had already eaten! So we met up and tried to go to Ciatti's where she would share desert with us, but it was packed and I was hungry so we left. We went to La Cucaracha's, which is this great Mexican restaurant with the best chocolate cake in the world. We had to wait there too. In the eantime, the bowling plan had been cancelled. And we found out that the muppet twins would be arriving earlier. So we booked it back to the apartment and had a message from them...they were already in town and had gone to eat. About ten minutes later they showed up and there was much rejoicing. Okay, maybe that was boring, but it was kind of crazy in process.

So we had a good weekend I think. I had fun. We watched movies, hit the mega mall, went to Dinky town. Oh and played a cool game called Apples to Apples. Went we went dancing Saturday night I had a great time.

Now my mother is here. She got here last night and she's here until next Thursday. That seems like a long time, but I'm hoping it'll be chill. She really likes Noah a lot, which is good, and he likes her too, which is even better. I bet a million bucks he leaves early today to go home and hang out with her.

Then on Monday he leaves on another stupid business trip. I hate it. He'll be gone until Friday, which sucks monkeys. The weekend he gets back, we have a wedding to go, a friend of his family. And the weekend after that is Halloween party! Craziness!

And in the meantime I'm trying to keep my grades up at school and handle this job that is driving me batty. I had a 45 minute talk with my supervisor today...it seemed to go well, maybe we can work something out.

Well, I guess that's it. Not as interesting as I was hoping. Bye!

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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