rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

I just want to bang on my drums all day

2002-09-23 - 3:02 p.m.

So, I just tried to get this astrological relationship report online, then I realized that I left my purse in my car after lunch and I don't know my credit card number. That sucks, but it may be for the best. Once the first impulse is gone with these things, I usually don't go back. Noah will be glad I didn't spend the money, although it was only eighteen dollars for two reports and it would have been fun. C'est la vie, as they say.

I'm having a really sentimental day. I got that e-mail from George, and thinking about him hanging out with Andre got me thinking about the good old days and all that crap. I am really happy now, but I have to be an adult. I'd like to be nineteen and carefree again, but with all that I know now, and all that I have now. Not likely, eh? I know, but I can dream.

I'm in the mood to write poetry. Or anything. I want to become independently wealthy and spen d all time lounging around with Noah, reading great books and watching cool movies and beating him at You Don't Know Jack. I know a lot of people say they would continue working if they won the lottery...and I guess I'm supposed to respect that answer, but no way would I put myself through this stress if I didn't need the money. I'd volunteer, or have a part time job, but none of this forty hours a week crap.

I'm feeling weird today.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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