rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

Noah's home!

2002-09-20 - 2:26 p.m.

Hello to all!

I just had a couple of reassuring moments in the last few days, letting me know that at least two of my friends are still reading me on a fairly regular basis. I just like it because I never remember to write e-mails or letters or call people. I barely remember to write in here, but I do it a lot more often than anyting else. So that's cool. Although nobody has gotten in touch to help me fix my index page. I might cry soon.

Well, the week-without-Noah experience is finally over. I picked him up at the airport about 8:00 last night, which was great! He had a good time, learned alot about faxes and copiers and such. He also spent a couple of evenings in the big city, seeing all the big sites. He actually went to Ground Zero, which is pretty hard core. In a way I'm jealous, but I also don't know if I could really handle actually being there. Anyway, I am glad he had fun but I'm extra glad that he's home. Talking on the phone every night is NOT the same. Oh yeah! And he was doing a fax workshop thing in one of his meeting and they were showing how to do fax to e-mail stuff so he wrote me a little note and I printed it out at work yesterday and pranced around the building showing it off. I got lots of oohs and aahs...they all think I'm silly. And Deb asked if I was going to make Noah dinner when he came home and I actually said to her, "There won't be time for dinner." Man, am I out of control or what? Well, it's like Noah said to the guy at his work that was leering about us kissing in the parking lot: we're young and in love. So there. Also he bought me a sweatshirt from Little Italy. I wore it to work today, since it's casual Friday and all.

So anyway, Jaime and I had a fun girls night while the boy was gone. She came over Tuesday night and we watched Queer as Folk, since season one just came outon DVD. We are addicted!! We're going to watch more tonight, if things go as planned. It's a cool show about these four really good friends who are gay and all their misadventures. I would say there are definitely some strereotypical things now and then, but the dialogue is great and the characters are real and I just love it.

Also that night I permed Jaime's hair and she colored mine, so now it's a kind of purpley red. I love it. We were like playing hairdo twister in the bathroom, trying to get each other's hair rinsed out. But over all I think we both did a pretty good job.

Well, I guess I've wasted enough time for today.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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