rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

work and school and no time left

2002-07-25 - 1:05 p.m.

So I have been stressing out about this school issue, in a couple of different ways. One is the money. I was supposed to be getting a scholarship from work, but that may not be the case now because Leah is pissy about my DHS issue. You are technically supposed to be here six months before you can get it. When Leah first suggested that I try for the scholarship, yes, it was her idea, she said that they could ignore that. Now it might be an issue all of a sudden. What's up with that? But Noah and I worked out a way to pay in case they don't come through, so all is well on the fiscal front.

Then there's the time thing. You know, life is so dumb. You have to work fourtyhours a week in order to have the money to do all the things you would be doing if you didn't have to wrok, which you never actually do because you always have to work. Then add twelve credit hours, travel time between work, home and school, a couple hours for the gym every week, and sleep, if you're lucky, and there's almost no time left. Almost no time to spend with the person you've decided you would want to spend the rest of your life with if you had any time to do that! It sucks! So we knocked me down to eight hours. I'll be a part time nursing student. If all goes well, I can still do it in three years. And if not, at least I'll be happy for the whole time, and not so stressed.

This job is freaky too. The CSR part is supposed to be half the job, part time. But it is MORE than a full time job, I barely have time to even think about the other half. I need to get this office cleaned and reorganized. I get so stressed that I can't do anything else until I clean in here once a day, and it's slow going. And now I'm writing this huge thing and not working, which is not going to help. So adios, and wish me luck.

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Any Music On?

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