rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

Fun AND Productive!

2002-03-11 - 9:54 p.m.

Hello Diary!

Today I almost went insane at work! Not really. We had some serious scheduling holes to fill and I was working on it, but Mess (my boss) acts like we sit down there laughing about the shortage and not working on it. Oh yes, it will be so funny when Mary and Marion show up and there are actually no nurses on their floor to tell the aides what to do! And won't we just bust a gut when second floor has half the staff to feed the whole floor of dementia patients lunch! Hee hee, what memories we will make of this!

Okay, sorry. I just got a little aggravated today. But in all fairness she is just trying to do her job too, which just happens to include yelling at Nathan and I sometimes. They had a big state review this weekend and nothing went right and they will still be here late into this week, so the poor women is stressed. She's really very sweet when she's not yelling shrilly.

Other than that, work was actually pretty fun. The pay period ended Friday, so today is pay roll Monday...all sorts of fun paperwork to fill out, and many fun games on the computer. So I was fairly happy for most of the day.

Noah is working today 4-10:30, so I won't really get to see much of him, which sucks. But we talked on the phone twice, once while I was at work and once after I got home and he was at work. That's pretty cute.

I wrote like fifty thank you notes today, so I feel productive. I also managed to balance my checkbook and send my landlord a nasty letter. Go me!

Actually, I had a pretty pimp weekend too. Noah and I got drunk Friday night when we went out to The Warehouse with his friends. I met a cool girl and bonded with J.E., Noah's best friend. And on Sunday afternoon Noah's parents took us to lunch and a movie, which was super fun. This all sounds very funny, doesn't it? Still getting used to the whole thing.

Well, I guess that's it. I'll try to be more interesting next time.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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