rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

secret messages

2002-02-07 - 7:35 p.m.

After I wrote my entry the other day, I looked at my archive list and realized that I had two entries in a row entitled "Life Sucks." A theme, perhaps?

Life is so weird. When I'm not crying, I feel like I should be. And when I am, I feel like someone's going to walk in and say, "What, again?" This grief thing is new to me. Okay, I've lost all four grandparents and my father. Who was pretty much estranged, for all intents and purposes. So, needless to say, none of those things prepared me for this.

Do I have anything happy to say? I got a new cell phone. Probably not as exciting for anyone else as it is for me. Except Alys. We have matching phones! :)

And I have bought new books and taken a few road trips and bonded with a few friends and had a cleansing fight and caught up on my e-mail and watched some good movies. What else could I ask for?

You know, I had a conversation with my friend Del the other day. We were talking about how this whole diary thing is weird and how I usually write while being fully aware that someone I know will read it. So I leave things out sometimes. Which sucks because if I'm supposed to be writing about my inner soul, how can I leave anything out? Walking a tightrope.

I just want to say thanks to a friend of mine. Bee, if you read this and you know who you are, thank you. (not Brenda, by the way, although I could say thanks just for being cute to her!)But thanks for helping me relieve stress and have fun all at the same time. The cliches are not true. You are.

Hmmm...maybe I could get good at this code thing. No, probably not.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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