rant - July 12, 2006
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two more down

February 12, 2005 - 11:34 am

Why is it that everytime I try to update and get the sacary, white "the server is down page" that everyone else seems to have been able to update?? How's a person supposed to keep up.

So I reread Lolita. I know most people have negative things to say about it, but it's not a book about pedophilia, any more than the act of rape is about sex. Both are about control, and making the person into the one you want them to be, regardless of who they really are. Almost worse, but as it is fiction, and amazingly, precisely written fiction at that, I can't help but be sucked into it.

I also read In Love and Trouble , a book of short stories by Alice Walker. She is great. She has a melncholy similar to Toni Morrison, but it is...I wouldn't say more positive...maybe, less involved. More careless. Her stories are like little complete novels, except for a few, which seem more like outlines for something bigger.

Well, that's all for now.

Word Of The Day: book

Any Music On? dobby-dooby-dooooooo

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 3 I am working!!

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