rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

response to readers

January 16, 2005 - 12:52 pm

Okay, so I need to send a message to Andrew and tell him that the e-mails that are supposed to arrive and inform me that I have new messages in my guestbook are not arriving. I had five today, and what a surprise that was!! People actually pay attention to me!! Five whole people!!

I had totally forgotten that miss Alys was pregnant. Unforgivable, I know, but I have no explanation. Now I am suddenly jumping up and down. Well, I was before I began typing. Must write to her soon.

Pete-thanks for the info. I am Gold, and I found it an now I am curious as to how a person got me by asking about periced ears and husbands. Interesting. To you and Vin, not sure about the Formal thing, it depends on the timimg. But if I were in the area could I come to see you??

Dar, you are silly. Moss should not be fined for being a media-hungry brainless leech on society, which he is, becuase the truth is that he is now worse than any of the other morons who somehow think that being paid a ridiculous amount of money to play sports is justifiable and should give them a higher place in society. So what I mean to say is that while I do not see Moss as a positive role model, I also don't think any worse of him than other football player. And if Green Bay fans can moon losing teams as they leave Lambeau Field, why can he not mime the same thing in his victory over a puffed up team with a quickly aging quarteback and overconfidant fans?? Wow, I know, that was alittle over the top. But that's how I seee it. :)

Okay, and now after getting SaraH's message I feel a responsibility to my five readers, and sincerely apologize for the three day lapse, again. Now eveyone else has to update more too, though, because I also need something to read at work. Especially now that I have finished Mansfield Park and didn't bring a substitute. Hee hee.

And I didn't even touch on the things I wanted to talk about from last time!!

Word Of The Day: Gold!

Any Music On? no siree bob

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4

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