rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

180, at last

January 15, 2005 - 9:59 am

Okay, so I realize that I have failed miserably in the 21 entries in 21 days plan. Three days went by with me barely noticing. So there you go. Anyway, I'm only mising three entries, and there's no rule that says there can't be more than one entry in a day, if the day happens to be very ecxciting and worthy of a double dose of news. Today is Saturday, I am working, and my major preoccupation, other than work, is readinf Mansfield Park. So it's packed with excitement already.

Actually, I'm quite excited about the book. I mean, I'm always excited about my books. But the deprecating remark I made about it in the paragraph above might make it seem otherwise, so I wanted to clear things up. Anway, I just finished reading a really great book called Reading Lolita in Tehran, about a woman who taught during the Iran-Iraq war in Tehran, and after secluding herself from the university she takes a group of girls into her home once a week to read literature. There were some moments of trying-too-hard writing, most mostly it was eloquent and poignant, educational and uncomfortable, and made me feel a lot of things, which, according to the author, would much please Henry James. Anyway, there were a lot of good books discussed and referred to, and I got all excited about going down the list. So there you go.

Okay, I just talked for ten minutes to a coworker about Noah and his student teaching. I'm excited. And I'm really proud of him. And I can't wait for us both to be done with school.

A while ago I asked people how they find out about what google searches led to their page and I never got an answer. Anybody???... Also, I want to know where to get a cool counter like Vin and Pete had for Lillian Mae, because there are now only 130 days until I get to go to Europe!!! Hee hee!!! Wow, I'm really into counting things down these days. It implies an inner impatience.

You know what? I do have more news, but I am going to save it for another time. so hah!

Word Of The Day: suspense

Any Music On? a mix CD I made for Andy, Billy Joel right now

Rating Of The Day (1-5): I'm working, but only in theory, so 3

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