rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

21 and counting down

January 11, 2005 - 2:08 pm


Here's a fun website tht kept me busy for a while this afternoon. I am terrible at geography, but this helped! :)

1572. The number of days I have been writing in this crazy journal. (It's an approximation, of course.

178. The number of entries I have written. Sad, yes, but true.

8.8. The approximate number of days (on average) between each entry.

200. The amount of entries that seems to me, at this moment in time, priceless. And unattainable. But I guess those two go hand in hand.

So the goal is to write 22 entries (or 21, now) in the next twenty one days. Oddly enough, there are 21 days left until I start school again. So perhaps I can pull this off. Then I can write a big two hindred entries anniversary entry like everyone else that is cooler than me, and then I make another unrealistic and meaningless goal and move on with my life. Yay! There will be much rejoicing.

Aren't you excited to see what kind of crazy mischief I can use as an excuse to write in here?? I know I am. Maybe I'll tell you all about the Mary Kay lady, which I don't think I ever got around to. Or maybe I'll tell you about our plans for Europe. There's always millions of stories about the adorable child that I once was, or baby Noah stories. The possibilities are astounding, actually.

I can't believe Pete and Vin are parents, by the way. It is so exciting!! I hope to meet her sometime before she enters school, but who knows?

This job is killing my buzz. I mean that metaphorically, of course. I am not buzzing, but it is killing something.

Oh yeah!! And the Vikings beat the Packers so..
nana nana boo boo and a moon to you!!
(By you I mean to refer to packer-backers. This may be obvious to some, but the realization that I know very few if ANY people wh know that and/or care about the out come of that or any other football game just hit me like Claiborne sacking Favre.) Anyway, it was a fun game to watch. And I'll be pissed if Moss gets fined. Unless they plan on fining Favre too, since he threw a few punches. Hmmm...

Okay, enough for today. See ya!

Word Of The Day: moon

Any Music On? only the hum of my computer

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4...I'm about to go home, so it just went up.

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