rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

wanted to write, but....

2001-12-07 - 8:04 p.m.

So...Andy is back in the hospital again, but before anyone panics, it's not serious. He has a lot of fluid around his lungs again and they needed to get it out. Then they want to get all the fluid out of everywhere, at least as much as they can, before they send him home. He may be there another week. It sucks.

My class is almost over, I have a final in a week and a half. I'm still really far behind but I think I can handle it. I really hope I get into the program, and I want this grade to help.

There's a lot fo shit going on and I feel terrible complaining when Andy is stuck in a hospital. This entry is just going to keep on sucking, so screw it.

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Any Music On?

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