rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

superficial is my middle name

2001-09-17 - 12:53 a.m.

Can I talk any more about the whole tragedy? I don't know. For almost a week I've talked of little else. I'm keeping a (separate) journal to record all the things I have heard that I never want to forget. Things that aren't specifically news, but that will be part of the history nevertheless.

For example, the poet lauereate was quoted as saying that "America lost its virginity today." And there was a ten year old child that wrote the most amazing letter, addressed to the perpetrator of the crime. These things are just as important as the straight news.

The other big issue I'm having is the increase in racism and ethnocentrism that this will cause, has already caused. In a country that is supposed to be a melting pot, to borrow a cliche, that should never happen. As bad as it already was before Tuesday, I think it may never be that good again.

I have good news for myself and I feel terrible thinking about it, let alone writing about it. But it's my journal and, under normal circumstances, would be private anyway, so here goes.

There's a person I really like and I want to get closer to and I thought this person was maybe not so interested in getting closer to me. I tried to write them an e-mail the other day and it came bace unsent, so I must have screwed up the letters. Well, I wrote a mututal friend to ask the right address and he told me that the person had just e-mailed him to my e-mail address! Hurrah! I hope to hear something soon.

Well, now that I have had my totally shallow moment of the day, off to bed.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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