rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

Fuck off, Ned

2001-08-27 - 4:50 p.m.

Okay, this whole "life is too short to hold a grudge" theory just went all out of whack. This is for Ned, he'll know who he is. First off, I don't appreciate you saying that I have deficiencies in my life that make me needy. I am not a fucking BM, or whatever the fuck you call it. That night I may have been tripping, but that doesn't change anything. It was terrible acid anyway. And the point is that I love Cat, yes, I still do. And I lived through seeing what you did to her for too long. And when she finally had the courage to get rid of you and realize that she didn't need her relationship to be abusive to function, it was the happiest day of my lie. And not for the reasons I know you think.

Because, to be honest, I don't care about your fucking ego-knowledge, or whatever new mental-masturbatory term you are using now. What I have always cared about is my friend. And no matter what you think you know or what went on behind closed doors or what you think you feel about her, you are THE WRONG ANSWER FOR HER! You're an asshole, plain and simple. A conceited one, on top of that, and I don't even know what you think you have to be conceited about. You want honesty, there it is. What's the difference between a friend and a BM again? A friend tells you what you want to hear, regardless of what the consequences are, right? You're such a bastard.

I was thinking, lately, that maybe I was wrong about you, again. Because I've thought this before, but you always manage to change my mind again. Printing all that shit about me is vintage you, you know? And who calls me a fucking BM, then attempts to get another one of my friends to stop listening to me? How manipulative is that? Then in the next post you miss me? I highly doubt it. If we are not friends anymore, it is because of you. Yes, I gave you unsolicited advice. You could have taken it for what it was worth. But it burns you up that I was right, doesn't it? Because first you lied to me, you told me that getting back together was never your plan. But now that you have, you know that I am right, that you will never be good enough for her. Live with it.

Because, yes, I still love her. And if she really needed me, I would be there, I hope she knows that. But in the meantime I am not going to sit back and watch her ruin her life with you. You already ruined your own, isn't that good enough for you?

I do miss my friend, the old you, the person who didn't lie with every word he spoke because he was so afraid that his life wasn't meaningful enough to impress everybody. If you got off your god damned high horse, we might be able to salvage a friendship. But you probably don't care, do you? And I'm sure that anybody who encourages my husband to die doesn't belong on my list anymore, anyway. So have a nice life.

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Any Music On?

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