rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
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top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

starting Christmas

December 18, 2004 - 2:50 pm

Okay, here's an interesting dichotomy for you. Whenever I am really busy and don't have the time to write in my diary and I feel so bad about it, because I like writing in it and I want to keep up with it, and I think that I am using being busy as an excuse. But then, when I am bored as hell at my stupid desk job and I update a number of times in one week, I feel like my ability to both think of it and actually do it so often make me feel like my daily activities must be unfulfilling. Whatever.

This job is driving me crazy. There are so many parts I like, but there are a lot A lot that piss me off, I was about to say. It's the next day, and I had to stop writing because craziness ensued...one of the things I hate. Then I was getting a massive migraine and I wanted to get out before it got any worse because we went to see A Christmal Carol at the Guthrie last night, and I wanted time for my headache to go away so I could enjoy it. But people were not showing up, and I couldn't find people to come in. So I called the supervisor and the triage nurse came instead, so I explained it all to her, gave her my last ditch idea, and told her I had to leave, which she said was okay. Then just as I'm walking out the door, the supervisor, who had not shown her face to me all day, shows up and asks if things are okay. I tell her iffy, but the triage nurse has it and I have to go due to a migraine. She tells me she doesn't care how bad it is, if calls have to be made, I have to stay. Of course I left anyway. Called the director of nursing to leave her a voice mail about the whole story. By the time I got home, the superviser was calling to apologize for being, in her words, "a royal bitch." Good stuff. So yeah, man parts that are uncool. Too many hours. And I miss my residents. And my coworkers on 3G, and they miss me too. So I hope I can be done here soon. And the play was awesome!! Super good acting, and the story always gets me so excited about Christmas...as if I needed any further help. Christmas with friends plans all week, then off to the Cape on Christmas day. Yay!! Am I am so excited about Noah's presents that I can barely stand it! Anyway, that it for now. More soon, I'm sure.

Word Of The Day: Christmas!

Any Music On? Indigo Girls

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4

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