rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

final day!!

December 14, 2004 - 2:23 pm

I hate days like today.

It's a Tuesday, so Bill is off and I am alone for the day. This is normally fine...I play music, try to get as much of my own work done as possible while handling the scheduling for the day, and don't feel too guilty about things not getting done from my work, because I have to spend the day concentrating on Bill's side of things.

However, I am behind on my things because I have been a bum lately. And while I usually try really hard to get a lot of things done, today I have barely tried to finish what I HAVE to do. SO I do feel guilty, and I know I won't be able to catch up tomorrow, and then I'm off on Thursday and have to waste a whole day handing out paychecks on Friday. So I feel like I'm going to be behind forever. Not true, I know, but it fels icky.

On top of all that, I have butterflies in my stomach, which only makes it harder to actually do any work. It's because I have a final today, for which I have done very little studying. I know I should have done more studying, but the set up is so stupid...Preclinical research Friday night, Clinicals all day Saturday and Sunday with Clinical papers due on Monday, then a final on Tuesday night. I have been too wiped to even contemplate studying. So I have a couple of hours before the test, if I manage to get out of work on time. Which is usually a pretty big IF.

The good thing is that I actually got a chance to look at our two previous tests at clinicals this weekend, which is sort of a miracle because my crazy instructor never gives anything back. But now I have an idea of what I got wrong last time, which should help, I hope.

I can't believe how pathetic that all sounded. I am becoming so whiny in my old age. I would go back and delete it all to stop from sounding like such a cry-baby, but I don't even have that many interesting things to refill the space with, as my mind is so occupied with the butterflies and all. I just really need abreak, can you tell?

The day after tomorrow Noah and I are doing all our Christmas shopping. ALL of it, you ask?? Well, technically, no. There's actually a whole 'nother story about Andy's family that involves having already boght Christmas presents for them, but whatever. All the other presents all in one day, yes. Because that's the joy of living practically next door to the MOA, second largest mall in the world. We can shop for everyone on our list, catch dinner and a movie, play with Legos, go to an aquarium...you name it and you can do it without ever having to leave a building. Sick, but true, ladies and gentleman. And then after that, if we have anything left over, we can go to trusty old Target. Hee hee!!

Okay, back to work!

Word Of The Day: moan (as in moan, groan, complain...)

Any Music On? no, sadly

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 3

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