rant - July 12, 2006
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birthday plans

August 09, 2004 - 6:12 pm

Noah and I finally went camping!! Yipee!! We went to the state park where he was a junior naturalist in his younger, more hick-like years. :) He was really excited to go back there, and wee had a good long hike in between rain spells. Next year, hopefully, we will be able to camp more than once before the whole summer is over, because it rocks! This time, we even got the fire going well enough to make s'mores. hee hee. we're cool.

So I have a ton of butterflies in my stomach now, because I have spent the last few hours planning for Noah's birthday and although things are going well, they are not exactly as I planned, and I am anxious. In two and a half weeks we are going to Disney!!! And the day after we get back is his birthday, so all plans have to be done by then.

have to do more research.

Word Of The Day: birthday

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4

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