rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

Trent and me

2004-01-05 - 10:22 p.m.

So I've been reading the last couple of entries I wrote, and I realized that I am boring as hell. Why would anyone actually voluntarily read this thing. I'm barely interesting to myself, and I think that might be rock bottom, you know? My theory is that I have Trent Reznor syndrome. When life sucks and you have a lot of things to be personally angsty about, then you write really well and totally get your groove on and all that. But then when things get happier (you meet a Noah and, even better, marry him and live in a great condo, etc., ad nauseum (sometimes literally)) (or, if you're Trent Reznor, you get a woman, learn how to jet ski and start drinking banana power shakes), then yoour whole writing thing turns to shit. Not that I'd rather be a good writer than happily married, but both wouldn't suck too much, right? But look on the bright side...I just found a rational (at least in my own head) way to compare myself to Trent. So life can't be all bad. That is, of course, unless the reality proves to be that I was always boring and sucky, in which case, no comaprison. And no point in trying to improve. Which somehow sucks, but also somehow takes some pressure off my shoulders.

I missed Nanowrimo this past November, and I'm pissed that I let myself miss it, because I really could have used the motivation. I noticed that jillyfae also missed it. So if you, jillyfae, or anyone else who missed it want to do our own novel writing month and keep each other motivated, please let me know. At least to know that you need outside motivation is a step in the right direction. The story I'm working on...well, I shouldn't really use an active tense there, but....it's really important to me, and I'm hoping I can actually write the damn thing for once.

I read War for the Oaks to Noah, which is a VERY big thing. I need to work on that screenplay too. I need to. Anyway, it takes place in the twin cities, which is so neat. Whan I was reading it this time, I could actually picture places. And there's one really important scene towards the end that takes place in the Como conservatory...which is where Noah proposed. So yeah.

I wish that I had New Year's resolutions, but since I have been making them as a kid and I still haven't written a novel, am still overweight, still can't keep myself organized or keep in touch on a regular basis, I think they're pretty pointless.

Have you ever seen Jerry Maguire(SP?)? There's that scene where Jerry is walking away from Rod in a huff and Rod says something like, "You see? You think we're fighting, and I think we're finally talking?" Yeah. My friends will probably read this and think I'm sad or something. Not really, just hoping for more clarity or something. Anyway, mappy holidays to all, belated. And sorry to the Ripon people, I know we said we were thinking of coming down this weekend, but we really needed some ignore everyone time. It was fun. Hopefully we'll see you soon.

Word Of The Day: Trent

Any Music On? Trent

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4...spent all day with Noah, but have to work in the morning.

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