rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

I'm back!!

2003-07-11 - 2:46 p.m.

Wow. I have a cable modem now, and it is damn fast!! It just got hooked up this morning, and today is my day off, so I've soent all day so far playing around online. It's good to be back.

The move isn't exactly over yet. We have all our stuffin and we're out of the apartment and, therefore, the caretaking job, thank GOD!! But everything in here isn't put away and organized yet. The bedroom was done first, so we could have a sanity retreat. Then the bathrooms, just because they were pretty easy, I guess. The kitchen was next and that took a while, because I have a lot of damn kitchen stuff. That's a good thing, because now I ma actually excited to cook and stuff. But it was hard to get it all in there in an organized way, so I'm proud of us. The living room is almost done, and the library has barely been started. I wish I could afford to take a few more days off, so I can work on it when I'm not already tired from working all day at Walker. And I'm not even going to start whining about work, because even I am sick of listening to me at this point.

I am eating a super yummuy sandwich, and it is raining outside, which I just noticed. That sucks.

My birthday was awesome. Noah and I spent the day in Stillwater, then he bought me a new birthday outfit and he took me to a dinner theater, where we saw The Sound of Music, which is my very favorite musical, no matter how cheesy it might be. He is amazing. It was just a perfect day, and he always knows exactly what to do for me and with me...I am super happy.

George was near me and I misssed him. Story of my life. I got to talk to him a bit today, so that was cool.

I miss Andre.

I miss a lot of people.

Rachel and Pat are in town now...I hope I get to see them soon.

I need Ken to tell me the dates for the shows again, so I can plan accordingly. I really want to see him!!

Congratulations, Aimee! I hope I get to meet her soon.

I am feeling serioulsy useless today. So much I could be doing, but I really don't want to. And feeling sentimental too. I'm really glad I finally got back on the internet.

I'm think I'm goan go play around some more and catch up. TTFN!

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

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