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late Lord of the Rings review

2002-12-03 - 1:00 p.m.

Wow do I do really stupid things sometimes. Have you ever gotten accused of something you did and been really offended that they would accuse you of it? It's a pretty messed up way to think, but I can be a pretty messed up person sometimes.

I have three days left here after today, and then I move to my new job. I'm really hoping I can make it that long without killing somebody. Of course I meant that figuratively. You know, I think I am turning into a very parnoid person. Anyway, we also have our employee Christmas party on Friday afternoon. Yeah, super early, and cheap because it's here and in the afternoon...the whole thing is lame. But I won't have to work the second half of my last day here, so that's cool.

I have totally sunk into this funk where I all I want to do is read and cuddle with Noah and sleep. Maybe it's winter depression. I only have two weeks of school left, thank heavens, because that's getting really old all of a sudden. I can't wait for next semester, but I really want the break in the middle too.

So I finally saw The Fellowship of the Ring on Sunday night. The cinematography was amazing, the casting was brilliant (that's EXACTLY how I pictured Elrond), the soundtrack fit well. But over all I give it a B- for conforming to the book and living up to the impossibly high standards I had for it. The chopped up and shortened the LothLorien section, which is my favorite part of the book. They chopped Tom Bombadil completely, and, while I understand that he does not really help to advance the plot, I thought it was a sad loss. They made Gandalf seem a little more old and pathetic than I would have liked, and took away some of his nastier lines. And Frodo did not solve the riddle at the door to the mines of Moria. And they started the second book in the last half hour...so why couldn't they have had more of LothLorien instead? There's more, but those are all my major complaints. And, keeping all that in mind, I still really liked it. I just don't think I'll ever be fully satisfied when they turn a book into a movie, especially a book that good. (The major exception to this rule is Fight Club, in which they took a mediocre book and made a GREAT movie out of it.) Also, I had Andy in my head the whole time I was watching it. I wonder what he would have thought of it. And that hit me pretty hard too. Noah gave me the biggest hug at the end of the movie, and I didn't even have to say anything. Anyway...looking forward to the next one.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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