rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

work and Noah...what else?

2002-03-29 - 1:14 p.m.

It's been a pretty good week this week. Except for the fact that the internet has been down at work the last couple of days. That's bad because I have become addicted to reading my horoscope online everyday, actually four of them, and I check for Noah and Jaime everyday too. So I go into withdrawals when I can't get to it. Also I'm terrible at checking e-mail at home, so if I don't do it here it doesn't get done.

I'm finally going dancing tonight. I've been wanting to go since right after the last time we went, two weeks ago, and no one has wanted to. So tonight Noah and I are going and we're going to meet up with his friend Amber. She's the last one I have to meet, so I'm a little nervous, but not really. I feel like my probation period is over. So far, all the friends have liked me, the family likes me, and Noah and Amber only hang out like every other month or something. So it's no big deal. Also, when Noah was trying to explain to me what she was like he was being all edgy and not able to find the right words. Then when he did get some out, it sounded a lot like me trying to describe Andy to someone who didn't know him yet if I was worried that they would be offended. So I'll probably like her a lot. :0

Last night I had a moment of doubt and thought maybe I wouldn't be able to stay here. Noah and I talked about it and he reminded me that we have committed to the apartment for a year, not a lifetime. It's a valid point. I can handle that. We're really good at talking things out and dealing with them, I like that about him. We joked about becoming relationship counselors and opening a camp. Makes me think of the Simpsons.

I also tried to explain what gaming was like last night. It's hard to describe when the person you are talking to has no appropriate vocabulary at all. But he seemed interested in the concept. I told the story of when Nicholas' Ravnos (I can't remember his name for the life of me)did a slide show of our packs' trip to South America for Ezekiel, the Bishop, and included a nice big picture of Lane shooting up the wild boar. He didn't seem to find it as funny as we did. Did you have to be there?

Maybe next trip to Ripon I can convince someone to run a one-shot.

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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