rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006


December 23, 2005 - 2:40 pm

205 Things That Make Me Happy

1. Noah
2. memories of Andy
3. chocolate milk, really cold, and you have to drink it fast
4. rubber spatulas, all colors
5. monkies; real, stuffed, pictures, statues, whatever�
6. cute socks
7. chapstick, especially vanilla mint
8. traveling, especially with Noah
9. the Livin� in the 90�s CD collection
10. good music in general
11. care bears, especially bedtime bear and funshine bear
12. the color green
13. catching sight of my wedding ring out of the corner of my eye
14. making scrapbooks
15. showing people pictures
16. talking on the phone with my mommy
17. Noah�s tummy
18. owning more DVDs than I can count
19. having an online diary
20. reading books�any book
21. my residents
22. goofing off at work with Robert
23. playing cards with Alex, Liisa and Dave
24. house chocolate cake at Key�s Caf�
25. watching eagles fly by in Osceola
26. Noah�s mom�s chocolate-coffee icing
27. birthday weekends
28. seeing a friend in a wedding dress
29. watching Red Dwarf
30. coming up with a line from Red Dwarf for any occasion
31. My friend Jaime making her goat face
32. Talking to my nieces, and hearing them laugh
33. watching Noah play with my nephews
34. conversations with my sister Jacqui that go on for hours
35. playing pool with Doreen
36. making Terri laugh, like really laugh
37. writing letters to Becca
38. writing short stories
39. Yoplait yogurt
40. microwave popcorn
41. cruise ships
42. hotel showers
43. king size beds
44. ice cubes
45. great lyrics, especially by women
46. graphic novels, especially by Neil Gaiman
47. the smell of a new book
48. the smell of nail polish remover
49. smores made over a fire that Noah and I actually made ourselves, while camping
50. dancing
51. playing tennis, sometimes while sitting down
52. philosophizing with Bill
53. fighting with Patrober
54. short hair (for me�at least for now)
55. picking out gifts for people
56. the fact that Noah and I always go to bed at the same time
57. ice cream, gelati, or sorbet
58. Julia Roberts
59. Having six people to be grandparents for my future kids
60. carrot sticks
61. Salvador Dali
62. seeing great art in museums
63. trying new foods
64. HGTV
65. reading journals
66. talking about a great book I�ve read
67. doing laundry
68. hot showers
69. going to bed on clean sheets
70. getting A�s
71. clinicals, especially when my patient tells me I�ll make a good nurse
72. laughing so hard it hurts
73. buying new charms for my bracelet
74. chips and dip
75. going to parties (esp. with people I don�t see often enough)
76. getting in touch with old friends (Not that I do that a lot�)
77. singing in the car
78. my mom�s car dances
79. playing taboo, especially with Samantha
80. playing bridge
81. playing sheepshead
82. not going to a Tau house meeting ever again
83. rewatching movies I�ve already memorized
84. quoting movie lines
85. walking around Stillwater
86. swimming in the pool
87. sleeping naked
88. hanging pictures of Noah and I all over our house
89. sunflowers
90. wearing scrubs to work
91. getting snail mail letters
92. sleeping in a tent
93. stuffed animals
94. birthday gifts
95. Sunday buffets at Noah�s parent�s house
96. my mom�s crepes
97. twins� games
98. eating peanuts at twins� games
99. refrigerator magnets
100. staple remover alligators
101. new jeans
102. pasta, any kind, any time
103. having a digital camera
104. 2 am silliness with Noah
105. rice krispy treats
106. movies on airplanes
107. crossing things off a to-do list
108. mp3s
109. concert tickets
110. anything made of fleece
111. gray jogging pants
112. punching out at the end of the day
113. being alone in my house
114. orgasms (it had to come up some time)
115. sunflowers (my wedding flower)
116. the color yellow (my wedding color)
117. green bedroom curtains
118. getting postcards from friends
119. new school supplies, especially if they�re color-coordinated
120. my new pink cell phone
121. Disney movies
122. buying birthday gifts
123. Duluth, MN
124. Bridgeman�s ice cream
125. Stephen King�s Dark Tower series
126. looking at old pictures
127. my very extended family
128. Noah�s handwriting
129. actually keeping a pen for a week with no one stealing it
130. my new pedometer
131. learning lyrics to a new CD
132. sitting in the front row
133. going to see plays, and concerts
134. shopping, even if you don�t buy anything
135. ordering things online
136. the frog chamois mom and dad Bright sent me
137. the fact that I have a library in my house
138. my Europe trip scrapbook
139. scotch tape
140. memories of being a crazy college kid
141. not being a crazy college kid anymore
142. Veet (so I don�t have to shave)
143. Noah�s new teaching job
144. knowing I will soon be a nurse (and an RN, at that)
145. my mom having a happy relationship
146. Foster telling me he loves me
147. babies laughing
148. great sarcasm
149. anything that makes me nostalgic
150. how easy it is to make me cry (commercials get me all the time)
151. the prospect of giving people shots
152. knowing that I have nothing to contribute when I hear a group of women complaining about their husbands
153. fall colors
154. live music
155. getting through a whole break at work with no one interrupting my reading
156. kicking bad habits
157. the word �hypothetical�
158. reading new blog entries
159. brand new notebooks
160. days off
161. snail mail addressed to me
162. cosmo, glamour and redbook (sad, I know, but true)
163. nicknames
164. the urge to write
165. the look on Noah�s face when I wear my black leather jacket
166. buying new clothes
167. getting cool presents
168. seeing my mom
169. sleeping in
170. five day weekends
171. new board games
172. bookstore sales
173. brand new journals full of blank pages
174. trying to have a baby
175. my ringtone
176. growing my nails out
177. candle that make the whole room smell like them
178. chocolate coolers from Caribou
179. making snow angels
180. burying the hatchet
181. feeling like I�m growing up
182. reveling in still being child-like (but not childish)
183. graduating!
184. flowers from friends
185. highlighters
186. writing thank-you cards
187. people asking me if I�ve read a given book, because they assume I have
188. CapriSun Surfer Cooler
189. dinner theater
190. new calendars and datebooks
191. Christmas lights
192. having grown-up jewelry
193. roller coasters
194. finding new keys on the keyboard that do neat things
195. shopping for other people
196. not having anymore shelf space in my library
197. looking for a new house
198. watching as my sister starts to repair her relationship with my mom
199. listening to Christmas music at work
200. having three Assistant directors of nursing tell me to come work for them when I�m an RN
201. having a special moment with each of my three dads, all on the same day
202. rehashing a whole event with Noah after we leave
203. making lists, especially of things that make me happy
204. the fact that there are so many things that make me happy
205. that life is full of possibilities, and there�s always room for more

Word Of The Day: happy

Any Music On? nope, Noah's napping

Rating Of The Day (1-5): day off, two days before Christmas...5

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