rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006

stuff about stuff

March 17, 2005 - 10:16 am

Yay! I can update again. I feel like I say that a lot lately, but I keep getting that freakin' error page.

So, it makes me all warm and fuzzy that somebody got my page by googling afrowhores. I'd like to thank Jaime and Rat Race for helping me earn the distinction.

And it seems that people get when googling books, so that's cool.

I read Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins, finally. It was so refreshing to read silliness that ultimately means something and has a point to it, after that David Foster Wallace nightmare.

I also read the most depressing book in the world, Amazing Grace by Jonathin Kozol, about the life of the people in the South Bronx. I read it for school, but I'm glad I did because it really opened my eyes to the atrocities that these people live through and with every day. It was hard to read, and I couldn't do more than a chapter at a time because I would be in tears. But it's good, you know?

So last night we had a buch of friends over to play games. Steve was here and it was his last night before going back to Duk so Noah had plans with him and J.E., and I wanted Robert and Paul to meet Jaime, since we usually see her on Wednesday nights and Robert didn't have class because it's his spring break. So they all came to our house and we played Cranium. But it was weird. Mixing people isn't always easy, let's put it that way. I guess they are friends from different periods in our life, and that makes it difficult too. I just wish people were more flexible sometimes. But I have to say that the "adult" friends had no issues. It's a silly way to divide them, I know, but it make sense to us.

Tonight we are headed out to Osceola again to enjoy the sunset and quiet one mopre time by ourselves before Noah's parents get back tomorrow night. I just have to get out of here. But I do have an interesting break today, because my online class has to meet to watch a video, so I get to skip out of work from 12-1. Yippee! I was going to stay punched in too, treat it like a lunch break. But my silly boss told his even sillier boss that he would be covering me, so they might make me punch out. Pinko commie pig dogs! What are you going to do?

Word Of The Day: pig dog is good

Any Music On? not right this minute

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 3

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