rant - July 12, 2006
yeah! - June 01, 2006
work sucks - April 08, 2006
johari/nohari - February 18, 2006
top ten trivia - February 08, 2006


February 01, 2005 - 3:26 pm

I am absolutely appalled by the stupidity that is evidenced to me every day by the general populace and, more to the point, byt the staff at Walker Methodist. These people drive me damn near insane each and every day. So my threshold gets smaller every day, and pretty soon, I just might snap. If the computer does not have a punch recorded, than you did not punch in. It's as simple as that, people, so there's no use whining and insisting that you ALWAYS punch in. Because clearly, you didn't. So now the smart thing to do is fill in the paperwork, get a supervisor to sign it and turn it in to me in a timely fashion so I can fix the error and you can get paid. For Christ's sake, that's all you have to do!! But day in and day out, they whine. Then they whine about getting cancelled when they have 30 hours of overtime. They pontificate on my cruelty, but if even one little, slimy, momma's baby whiner was to offer to do my job, I would give it to them in a heartbeat!

Yeah, I'm crackin' up. I need help.

I have consistently mistaken today for Wednesday, which is odd in so many ways. I am doing scheduling, like a Tuesday. I have class tonight, like a sad Tuesday. And I am looking forward to (FINALLY!!) a new episode of Gilmore Girls tonight. Yay!! And One Tree Hill, but I shouldn't own up to that little guilty pleasure.

Some one gave me free cold pizza today, and it totally made my day. How screwed up is that? I'm like a hungry puppy or something. Weird. But I can eat it in class tonight, so that's the major draw.

I am so seriously random right now. I am torn between wanting extra time on the clock and having dinner with Noah before class. I think NOah gets to win, so I have to go.

Word Of The Day: whine

Any Music On? whining anf whiging

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 2

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