rant - July 12, 2006
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the moral of the story

January 30, 2005 - 11:14 am

I am getting too old too fast.

Friday night I went out after work with Robert and Paul, Amber, and of course Noah, and we met friends of R+P's, named Rick and Jim. We met them at Boom, a gay bar with an attached restaurant, and we got the cool section in the back and ate appetizers and drank cosmopolitans and laughed a ton. Straight out of Sex and the City. Rick and Jim are great. They had plans to eat at the attached restaurant, but we decided not to join in, because it seemed a bit pricey and Amber, though I love her dearly, eatls like four things. So R, P, A, N and I left to eat dinner elsewhere and planned to meet up with R+J at a gay club called The Sallon at 10. Elsewhere ended up being Copeland's, this New Orlean's themed restaurant, which was good and I might go again if I got hungry while standing right next to it, but I wouldn't go out of my way on purpose. More drinks at the restaurant, so we ealked from there to the club, where we were a mere twenty minutes late. Rick and I were all about dancing, but everyone else needed more alcohol, so we went along. Eventually we all got out on the dance floor. Robert and I ran into Sal, a friend from work, and that had us jumping up and down for a while. So I got down and dirty with Robert and Rick and we all watched as Lance and then Purple got wet and naked in the big glass shower on the corner of the dance floor. Amusing. We left a little after midnight...not too late. Got back to our place about 1 and I took a shower and went to bed...had to get up at 6:30 for work. I did, and I went in, but I got sent home an hour and a half later, when I realized I suck at pretending to not feel like crap, and I couldn't tell my boss the reason behind it. So I ended up having another day off, but all I did was sleep. I got up and watched half a movie with Noah, but felt sick again and had to go back to bed. So the moral of the story is that I am too old to do that on work nights anymore. Maybe if I was off the next day...

Word Of The Day: hangover

Any Music On? church music across the hall

Rating Of The Day (1-5): 4...at least I'm awake

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