rant - July 12, 2006
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Halloween review

2002-11-05 - 4:40 p.m.

Okay, now that I finally have a free minute, I can catch up on all the fun that was Halloween party.

First things first: I had a GREAT time! It was so much fun. Good wop, good music, cool people, all around a good time.

I did have some crazy things going on though. Good and bad, but all a little weird.

First, it was the first time that I really felt like Noah fit into the group, and that was cool as hell. And he dealt really well with all the people who had had happy mushrooms, so I was proud of him.

Which brings me to the second point: I dealt really well too. I had been afraid that I would get to a point where I hated it because I was not doing it, but I am happy to report that I have grown out of that childish stage. I was really glad that everyone was having so much fun, and it was neat to talk to them. (Neat. Ha ha. By the way, if you've seen Orange County you will understand our obsession with that word.) Anyway, I was glad the shrooms had such a positive effect on everybody, and they all made me laugh.

I bonded with some people that I hadn't had a chance to bond with in a while. Jen and I rocked at Rocky Horror, which was awesome. It was probably the most fun I've had watching that movie yet. Erin and I talked a lot, which I miss. Jake and I had a good talk in the hallway, where I ended up for a while after trying to find Jaime to help with the underwear situation. She was already all set, but I'm glad I found her anyway. :) I saw Josh Travis, who I totally love, and got to witness the broad smile that appeared when I asked how things were with Cat. I'm glad they make each other happy. I also hung out with Cat and there was no weirdness at all, which was good.

A certain friend tried to kiss me and that was weird, but okay. I worried about Noah, but he was cool because he knew it wasn't going past that.

I met a cool guy, a freshman named Matt, and we debated about politics and religion for a while. If anybody knows who he is, let me know how I can contact him.

And I saw Bryan. Before the party I had been worried that I would see him and it would be all bad. I pictured seeing him when I was drunk and getting all angry and causing a scene. But I saw him across the room and I felt...nothing. It was like seeing a face you recognize from a picture. No emotion whatsoever, and I didn't even think about it again until I sat down to write all this stuff. Looking back now, I'm not sure why I thought it would be a big deal. Why did I ever want to be friends with this person? Yes, I think there was an initial shock about having someone so blatantly not like me, but I think that would have happened with anybody. When I look back at all the twisted history we have, it really makes me want to laugh. And after finding out that so many people feel the same way I do, I've decided he truly isn't worth my time. It was good to see him for that second, if only to know it need never happen again.

I got to see KC's door, which rocked, though I didn't get to see much of KC. Again. I'm sorry kiddo. We'll hook up soon, I promise.

I got to see Nages. Always a good idea.

I managed to go to Kristina's on three separate occasions that weekend, so I was proud.

So, yeah. All in all a rocking weekend. Joining Tau was definitely the third best decision I ever made. You guys rock!

Word Of The Day:

Any Music On?

Rating Of The Day (1-5):

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